;; Utilities for prompting for definitions/examples of English words
;; (josh/english-prompt)
;; (josh/prompt-english-definitions josh/english-word)
;; (josh/prompt-english-examples josh/english-word)

(defvar josh/abbrev-part-of-speech-list
  '(("adjective" . "adj.")
    ("verb" . "v.")
    ("noun" . "n.")
    ("adverg" . "adv.")))

(defun josh/abbrev-part-of-speech (part-of-speech)
  "Take the PART-OF-SPEECH and abbreviate it.

For example: adjective -> adj."
  (let ((x (assoc part-of-speech josh/abbrev-part-of-speech-list)))
    (if x
	(cdr x)

(defun josh/get-english-definitions (word)
  "Get for a list of definitions for WORD"
  (mapcar (lambda (defn)
	  (format "%s %s"
		  (josh/abbrev-part-of-speech (cdr (assoc 'partOfSpeech defn)))
		  (cdr (assoc 'text defn))))
	  (wordnik-fetch-definition word)))

(defun josh/prompt-english-definitions (word)
  "Prompt using a list of definitions for WORD, return formatted string.x"
  (mapconcat (lambda (x) (format "- %s" x))
	     (helm-comp-read "Pick definition(s): "
			     (josh/get-english-definitions word)
			     :marked-candidates t)

(defun josh/get-english-examples (word)
  "Get for a list of examples for WORD"
  (mapcar (lambda (x) (cdr (assoc 'text x)))
	  (wordnik-fetch-examples word)))

(defun josh/prompt-english-examples (word)
  "Prompt using a list of examples for WORD, return formatted string."
  (mapconcat (lambda (x) (format "- %s" x))
	     (helm-comp-read "Pick examples(s): "
			     (josh/get-english-examples word)
			     :marked-candidates t)

(defvar josh/english-word nil
  "The word whose definition we're looking up.")

(defun josh/english-prompt ()
  "Prompt for a word, return it"
  (setq josh/english-word (read-from-minibuffer "Word: ")))