- Official website is which redirects to
- Source code is at
Configuration directories
How do I get the configuration directories from FreeSWITCH again?
Nick vs Networking shows a command for getting all _dir
$ fs_cli -x "global_getvar" | grep _dir base_dir=/nix/store/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx-freeswitch-1.xx.x recordings_dir=/var/lib/freeswitch/recordings sounds_dir=/etc/freeswitch/sounds conf_dir=/etc/freeswitch log_dir=/var/log/freeswitch run_dir=/run/freeswitch db_dir=/var/cache/freeswitch mod_dir=/nix/store/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx-freeswitch-1.xx.x/lib/freeswitch/mod htdocs_dir=/nix/store/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx-freeswitch-1.xx.x/share/freeswitch/htdocs script_dir=/nix/store/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx-freeswitch-1.xx.x/share/freeswitch/scripts temp_dir=/tmp grammar_dir=/nix/store/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx-freeswitch-1.xx.x/share/freeswitch/grammar fonts_dir=/nix/store/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx-freeswitch-1.xx.x/share/freeswitch/fonts images_dir=/nix/store/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx-freeswitch-1.xx.x/var/lib/freeswitch/images certs_dir=/nix/store/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx-freeswitch-1.xx.x/etc/freeswitch/tls storage_dir=/var/lib/freeswitch/storage cache_dir=/var/cache/freeswitch data_dir=/nix/store/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx-freeswitch-1.xx.x/share/freeswitch localstate_dir=/nix/store/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx-freeswitch-1.xx.x/var/lib/freeswitch
And now I’m trying to remember how I actually set the script_dir
to be something else.
Ah, it’s by providing a “-scripts
” argument when launching FreeSWITCH.
So I need to modify my systemd service that adds that.
You can see the sounds directory with eval $${sounds_dir}
Say it’s /etc/freeswitch/sounds
and you want to play a file called example.wav
You’d do that with a line like <action application="playback" data="example.wav"/>
But you can’t just put the file at /etc/freeswitch/sounds/example.wav
, you need to put it in a path like /etc/freeswitch/sounds/en/us/callie/example.wav
For logging into SIP, user configuration is located in directory/default/.
Allowed IP addresses are listed in autoload_configs/acl.conf.xml, which is used by <param name="apply-candidate-acl" value="XXXXXX"/>
in sip_profiles/internal.xml.
fs_cli configuration
If you modify the password for fs_cli
(which you probably should), you’ll probably want to configure the password so you don’t have to type it as a command argument.
You’d put the following in ~/.fs_cli_conf
; Put me in ~/.fs_cli_conf
password => some_secret_password
Enabling TTS in NixOS
Looks like I need to override the modules
part of pkgs.freeswitch
to get stuff like mod_flite
or mod_tts_commandline
Looks like there was a bug with modules in Nixpkgs being incorrectly named “ast_tts
” instead of “asr_tts
Speech recognition
I was trying to figure out “detect_speech
” but it looks like “unimrcp
” was removed from FreeSWITCH and mod_pocketsphinx
probably won’t work since pocketsphinx
has been removed from nixpkgs.
Vosk integration with FreeSWITCH seems interesting.
One idea for connecting to FreeSWITCH via WebRTC is to use the Janus WebRTC gateway. See an example at
I think internal users use port 5060 (5061 if TLS is enabled) and external users use port 5080.
uses port 8021 by default (and has a default password that likely should be changed).
Sound issues (firewall)
If your calls are connecting but you’re not hearing audio, you may want to try opening up your firewall more. I had an issue with Linphone and FreeSWITCH, so as a workaround I’ve added some rules in nftables (see /nftables) on both the local and remote end that just allow connections from certain IPs for now. I should verify which specific rules or ports were needed. And I should improve the firewall rules later, perhaps by specifying certain RTP port ranges that are allowed. Or maybe I’ll set up a TURN server.
Command | Description |
Reloads some XML configuration. |
console loglevel 7
Sets the log level to DEBUG. |
show modules
List loaded modules. |
sofia status profile internal reg
See currently registered users (i.e. softphones currently online) |
show channels
Get a list of active calls. |
uuid_kill b8a9a043-2706-47c0-ba93-5f8659327b7c
Kill a specific call. |
sofia status profile internal reg
List currently registered users (i.e. softphones currently online): |
sofia profile internal siptrace on sofia profile internal siptrace off
View a siptrace (for debugging connections). |
Here’s how you can reload internal SIP (getting it to rebind ports, if necessary):
sofia profile internal stop
sofia profile internal start
If you can’t get a profile like internal to show up:
reload mod_sofia
Originate a call like: originate {origination_caller_id_number=5000,origination_caller_id_name='IVR example'}user/1000 5000
To originate to an external number (going to local extension 7425), do something like originate {origination_caller_id_number=6508875788,ignore_early_media=true,originate_timeout=60}sofia/gateway/somegateway/18445674826 7425 XML default
To play some media: originate {origination_caller_id_number=6508875788,ignore_early_media=true,originate_timeout=60}sofia/gateway/somegateway/18445674826 &playback(rick.oga)
- I should look at mod_httapi more.